High (Level III - difficult)

High dificulty means...

etwas schwierig
Senda Victory

Trekking Guadarrama: the circular route.

At the end of the nineteenth century, the Guadarrama mountain range attracted the attention of scientists which ca

Ibón de Llardaneta

Mountains Huts at Posets


From the Mountain Hut at Viadós, we shall approach the massif of Possets whose grandeur brings to mind Himalayan landscapes.

Pico de Prostedny Hrot

High Tatras


Nestled in central Europe, the Tatra mountains were the escape route of Polish resistance fighter Jan Karski who was one of the first to inform the world of the Nazi genocide in Poland and Germany.

Embalse de Respumoso

Pyrenees: the land of horns


“Horn” is the name Germans use to call their unique mountain peaks in the Alps, most famously the Materhorn.